To plan for the installation, you should check the "Planning for installation" section in the info center of all the involved products ( WDPE and ITCAM for SOA) first. 要计划安装,首先应该查看所有相关产品(WDPE和ITCAMforSOA)的信息中心中的“Planningforinstallation”部分。
In this case what about the tourism investment environment of China? Thus we have interviewed Mr Jilin Zhang, Manager of Planning& Finance Section, China Tourism Bureau by telephone. 那末,中国的旅游投资环境究竟怎末样,我们电话采访了中国旅游局规划发展与财务司计划处的张吉林处长,他是这样解释的。
Based on network frame planning, the optimal planning of network section switch and connective switch is carried out again. 在网架规划基础上,再进行网络分段开关和联络开关的优化规划。
Staff Chief of the Operational Planning Section of the US Department of the Army 美国陆军部作战计划科科长
Wetland Landscape Planning in the Shijingshan Section of Yongding River 永定河流域石景山段湿地景观规划设计研究
Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy Section [ Lands Department] 乡郊规划及改善策略组〔地政总署〕
Fertility and Family Planning Section 生育率和计划生育科
The planning compilation and the editing of the total scenic area and the specific planning compilation of the Kitool Pond section are now in progress. 前期工作进展情况:正在进行景区总体规划修编和栟榈分区详细规划修编。
Creating the Urban Life Stage with Local Culture& The Landscape Planning of Fujiang Waterfront Southern Section in Suining 以地域文化创建城市生活的舞台&遂宁涪江滨水景观带南段规划设计
The exhibition hall is divided into three sections, namely, the main model section for the overall planning of urban areas, the multimedia section, and the project publicity section. 展览馆共分为三个展区,分别是城市总体规划主模型区、多媒体区、项目公示区。
Housing, Construction and Physical Planning Section 住房、建筑和物质环境规划科
A national planning section and office have been established by the state to organize the editing and publishing of ancient books of ethnic minorities. 国家成立了全国少数民族古籍整理出版规划小组和办公室,组织和领导全国少数民族古籍整理工作。
Developing the Daily Planning Section of Branch Bureau Dispatch System in Java 用Java开发铁路分局调度系统中的计划子系统
To establish planning software system for section steel production, the constructional method is used. 采用结构化方法建立了型钢生产前期规划计算机软件系统。
Study of the Landscape Construction along Roads Based on Driving Experience& Taking the Landscape Control Planning of Sheyang Section of the Tongjiang-Sanya Highway as the Example 基于车行体验的公路沿线景观建构研究&以同三高速公路射阳连接段的景观控制性规划为例
This is an introduction of the classroom building pf shandong Province Art institute, it goes from several aspects: site planning, floor planning, section design, plastic art, structure design, system design. 从总平面布局、平面、剖面、建筑造型、结构等设计及系统设置方面介绍了山东艺术学院教学楼的设计。
The Problems and Planning Countermeasures of Street Cross Section 城市道路横断面的问题与规划对策&以广州市为例
Planning and Design of Urban Road Cross Section 城市道路横断面的规划设计
With the powerful function of matlab in plotting, the problem of multi projects planning used in optimal design of gravity dam section is solved. 主要通过matlab强大的函数绘图功能,解决了用多项目规划的方法对重力坝横断面的优化设计的问题。
A new method for planning material of section structure& cad 型钢结构下料的一种新方法&CAD
Study on the Urban Planning for the Partial Section of City Based on the Deep-green Concept 深绿色理念下的城市局部地段规划设计研究
Three principles, four tasks and eight important contents are put forward in development planning section of the paper. 在农业综合开发规划程序、方法的研究中,文章系统提出了农业综合开发规划的三项原则、四个任务及八个重点内容。
Constructional analysis of planning software for section steel production 型钢生产规划软件系统的结构化分析
A New Kind of the Development of Humane Landscape Tourism: Tourist Planning and Environmental Improvement of the Historical Section in the Urban Center 一种新形式的人文景观旅游开发&城市中心区历史地段的旅游规划与环境整治
Plantscape Planning of Beijing Railroad Urban Section 北京城区段铁路园林植物景观规划
The paper illustrates the architect's new conception and view about clarity and nature life in a digitization world, by looking back on the planning and architectural design of TOP software section, Shanghai. 通过对上海托普软件园总体规划及建筑方案设计的创意与手法的阐述,反映作者在数字化时代软件园区设计中追求简约·自然生活新思路,新概念。
In the clear of the control unit planning and district plan, regulatory detailed planning on the basis of different, this section focuses on the control unit planning status was studied, specific research the legal status of the control unit planning; The fourth part is conclusion. 在明确了编制单元规划与分区规划、控规的异同的基础上,本部分重点对编制单元规划地位问题进行了研究,具体研究编制单元规划的法定地位;第四部分是结语。
One railway in YunNan is one of the heavy, big, difficult key projects which China is planning and constructing. The line section between A city and B city will cross over the transitional zone in south-eastern tibetan plateau and yunnan-guizhou plateau. 云南某铁路是我国规划并正在建设中的重、大、难重点工程,其中的A市至B县段将穿越世界瞩目的青藏高原东南缘与云贵高原的过渡带。
Based on the previous status of network, we make detailed analysis on base station construction and network resource requirements in the network planning section, and set forth the final construction plans. 网络规划以前期网络情况为基础,从基站建设需求、网络资源需求等方面进行详细分析并提出最终的规划建设方案。